====== Getting your data into Amazon S3 ====== ==== Frequently asked questions ==== === How do I set up the transfer to Amazon S3? === - You go to https://onboard.windsor.ai/ - On the destination page, you select Amazon S3 - You fill in the fields - As a connector URL you can use any URL providing a JSON or CSV. Either from the connectors or for example a URL with cached and transformed data from //charts.windsor.ai// === How do I set up my Amazon AWS S3 account? === First of all, you have to have an Amazon AWS account with S3 enabled. If you do, go to the Amazon S3 Console (https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/) and create a bucket. {{:amazon_s3_setup_step_1.png?600|}} It can be named anything you want. {{:amazon_s3_setup_step_2.png?600|}} Customise the settings and click Create Bucket at the bottom of the page. === How do I create the S3 access key? === Now that you have created the S3 bucket you need to create an access key so that data your windsor.ai data pipelines can push data into S3. To do so: * Head to the IAM Console (https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home * From the navigation menu, click Users. * Select your IAM user name. * Click User Actions, and then click Manage Access Keys. * Click Create Access Key. * Your keys will look something like this: * Access key ID example: **ASDFSADQQWRQSDFASAS** * Secret access key example: **asdfAwehwe4fv/K8QWEC/AVNHTWDFAadRr565** On the https://onboard.windsor.ai/ select AWS S3 as a destination and paste your bucket name, S3 access key and S3 secret key to the corresponding fields.