====== Database for caching purposes ======
{{ :caching.jpg?nolink&600 |}}
===== General Overview =====
If you have timeouts in your BI tool (Data Studio, Power BI), it makes sense to store the data into a database first.
Reasons for this behaviour include that your data is growing or that you hit limits in how often you access the connectors.
By storing the data into a database first you cache the data from the connector to the
You can then directly stream the data in a CSV or JSON format to your BI tool.
===== How to set it up =====
==== 1. Create a windsor dashboard from https://onboard.windsor.ai ====
This will also create a database for you. You can select any of the windsor attribution dashboards. You need to have googleanalytics and a goal configured.
==== 2. Check your dashboard once its created ====
You will get a link to https://charts.windsor.ai where you can login and check it.
==== 3. Setup the data transfer =====
Select "Windsor.ai Cloud Database"
==== 4. Select the fields and create the table ====
When the fields have been filled and you press save it will create the scheduled datatransfer to the database.
==== 5. Query your data in charts.windsor.ai =====
After this you can start querying the data from the dabase.
Once you have the query like you want it you can use the "Download to CSV" even as a datafeed for your other tools or then you can create a table and get it as a JSON data-feed.
==== Here is a video showing the process ====
{{ youtube>tEfsjl7sHvU?large }} \\
=== Sample query to get data from Salesforce ===
http://charts.windsor.ai/r/6462?api_key=[Your API Key]
=== Sample connector query used ====
https://connectors.windsor.ai/facebook_organic?api_key=[your API key]&date_preset=last_30d&fields=date,page_impressions_unique,page_engaged_users,media_type,page_id,page_name
=== Google Data Studio JSON connector ====
[[https://datastudio.google.com/datasources/create?connectorId=AKfycbwx4Ixzwm6Gi99VbTwJUM1vTZTux6q7TffLGhP7rYOsqI6EIS01xEYYUPi4kS2cPoKw_Q|Windsor.ai JSON Connector]]
=== Google Sheets function used ===
=IMPORTDATA("http://charts.windsor.ai/r/6462?api_key=[Your API Key]")