====== Getting your data into Google BigQuery ====== ==== Frequently asked questions ==== === How do I setup the transfer to Google Big Query? === - You go to https://onboard.windsor.ai/ - On destination page you select Google Big Query - You fill in the fields - As connector URL you can use any URL providing a JSON. Either from the connectors or for example a URL with cached and transformed data from charts.windsor.ai {{:mk_2024-08-21_17-18-55_2x.png?400|}} === Do I need to create a table or will Windsor.ai create a table? === Windsor.ai will create a new table in your [[https://console.cloud.google.com/bigquery/|BigQuery Data Set]] with the name specified in the BigQuery configuration on [[https://onboard.windsor.ai|Windsor.ai]] === What user rights do I need to grant Windsor.ai? === Please grant access to the user **bq-upload@windsor-ai-bigquery.iam.gserviceaccount.com** in your [[https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/|IAM & Admin Console]] and assign the roles **BigQuery Admin** and **Storage Admin** === How do I know if my data was processed successfully? === After you set up the configuration and click **Save**, it can take up to a few minutes for the data to load. A message will appear below **Last processing status**. If it is successful you can query your database with select * from [your table name] === I'm having problems with my connector URL. How do I test if it is working correctly? === If you have a complex query it makes sense to test your connector URL in a tool like [[https://www.postman.com/|Postman]] or [[https://insomnia.rest/|Insomnia]] to make sure that it is working as expected.