====== Blending Windsor.ai connectors with Google data sources in Looker Studio ====== To blend data in Looker Studio between the Google Analytics data source, provided by Google, and the [[https://datastudio.google.com/datasources/create?connectorId=AKfycbzIHEIom1VF_w9Pr_AhGNm9wKsnhIzsuGmT1NZB1UKlf_lcwtVkIgN0DrNJm1aBQo11BQ|Bing Ads data source by Windsor.ai]]: 1. Add both data sources to the report using the **Add data** menu button twice: {{ :google_data_studio:add_datasources.png?812 |}} 2. Open **Resource** ➡ **Blends** ➡ **Add a Blend** to blend the two data sources 3. Select the dimensions and metrics to use for Google Analytics 4. Click "Join another table" and select the Bing Ads data source 5. Select the dimensions and metrics to use for Bing Ads: {{ :google_data_studio:scr-20230210-hql.png?812 |}} 6. Click **Configure join** and select a **Full outer** join using the column **Date**: {{ :google_data_studio:scr-20230210-hsk.png?812 |}} 7. Save the blended data source and start creating charts using it: {{ :google_data_studio:scr-20230210-hwv.png?812 |}}