Sometimes you need to have a conditional replacement of a string or a numerical calculation such as a currency conversion which should happen automatically.
One such example case for String manipulations is that you are tagging your Meta/Facebook using dynamic tagging using the site_source_name and placement tags:
Unfortunately the Facebook Ads connector does not support returning the exact same site source names and placements as it returns in the UTM tags. So we need a custom function:
--- Function to convert currencies for both the revenues and the costs CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fb_platform_position (platform_position text) RETURNS text AS $$ BEGIN IF lower(platform_position) = 'facebook_desktop_feed' THEN RETURN'feed'; ELSIF lower(platform_position) = 'facebook_mobile_feed' THEN RETURN'feed'; ELSIF lower(platform_position) = 'instagram_feed' THEN RETURN'feed'; ELSIF lower(platform_position) = 'facebook_marketplace' THEN RETURN'marketplace'; ELSIF lower(platform_position) = 'facebook_right_column' THEN RETURN'right_hand_column'; ELSIF lower(platform_position) = 'instagram_explore' THEN RETURN'instagram_explore'; ELSIF lower(platform_position) = 'messenger_inbox' THEN RETURN'messenger_inbox'; ELSIF lower(platform_position) = 'facebook_stories' THEN RETURN'facebook_stories'; ELSIF lower(platform_position) = 'instagram_stories' THEN RETURN'instagram_stories'; ELSIF lower(platform_position) = 'instagram_reels' THEN RETURN'instagram_reels'; ELSIF lower(platform_position) = 'facebook_instream_video' THEN RETURN'instream_video'; ELSIF lower(platform_position) = 'facebook_instant_articles' THEN RETURN'instant_article'; ELSIF lower(platform_position) = 'an' THEN RETURN'an_classic'; ELSIF lower(platform_position) = 'others' THEN RETURN'others'; ELSE RETURN lower(platform_position); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE;
--- Function to convert currencies for both the revenues and the costs CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fb_publisher_platform (publisher_platform text) RETURNS text AS $$ BEGIN IF publisher_platform = 'instagram' THEN RETURN 'ig'; ELSIF publisher_platform = 'facebook' THEN RETURN 'fb'; ELSIF publisher_platform = 'audience_network' THEN RETURN 'an'; ELSIF publisher_platform = 'messenger' THEN RETURN 'msg'; ELSE RETURN lower(publisher_platform); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE;
You can now call this function in charts in the following way