Table of Contents


General Overview

The Salesforce CRM connector lets you pull Salesforce data on an object level. The currently supported objects are:

Sample query

Sample query: API key)&date_preset=last_7d&fields=contact_firstname,contact_lastname,contact_email,contact_phone&_renderer=csv 

Frequently asked questions

How to work with dates in the Salesforce connector?

How to work with custom fields and custom objects?

In case your Salesforce instance has custom fields and custom objects you can also query them. The syntax is slightly different. First of all you would need to identify the *API Name* of the custom field. You can do so by navigating to Setup → Customize → Under any Standard Object → Fields.

You can then find the API name

Custom fields can be identified easily as they either end with “c” or “pc”. The same rule applies for custom objects.

To build a query this way you specify the object name with square brackets followed by the field name.



Will retrieve the custom field External Display Name from the standard Campaign object.


Will retrieve the custom field TOTAL Invoice Price from the custom Sales Order Object.

The complete API URLs will look like this[Sales_Order__c]TOTAL_Invoice_Price__c,[Sales_Order__c]Opportunity__c,[Sales_Order__c]Account__c,[Account]Id,[Account]Mobile_Preferred__pc,[Account]Default_Email__c,[Opportunity]Id,[Opportunity]CampaignId,[Opportunity]AccountId&date_from=2021-03-01&date_to=2021-03-05&api_key=(your API key) 

and the response would look similar to this:

"data": [
        "[account]default_email__c": null,
        "[opportunity]campaignid": "campaign id",
        "[account]id": null,
        "[account]mobile_preferred__pc": null,
        "[sales_order__c]opportunity__c": null,
        "[sales_order__c]account__c": null,
        "[opportunity]accountid": "account id",
        "[opportunity]id": "opportunity id",
        "[sales_order__c]total_invoice_price__c": null