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crm_attribution [2021/07/06 05:12]
windsor_ai created
crm_attribution [2022/02/17 01:33] (current)
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-=== Sample query to get data  ===+=== Sample query to get data from Salesforce  === 
 +<code>[your API key]&date_preset=last_7d&fields=contact_firstname,contact_lastname,contact_email,contact_phone </code> 
 +=== Sample query to get data from HubSpot ==== 
 +<code>,contact_lastname,contact_email,contact_company,contact_phone,contact_lifecyclestage&api_key=[your API key] 
 +You can automate the streaming of the data from your connector URL to your Cloud Database on your [[| configuration]]. Here is a sample screenshot \\ 
 +{{ :pushing_crm_data-prest.png?nolink&800 |}} 
 +Once this is done the data can then be joined in [[|SQL Lab]] with the data in the conversions table. 
 +TRUNCATE TABLE crm_conversions; 
 +INSERT INTO crm_conversions (datasource, transaction_id, crm_type) 
 +    'ds_hubspot' as datasource, 
 +    encode(sha256("contact_email"::bytea), 'hex') as transaction_id, 
 +    concat('Salesforce - ',contact_lifecyclestage) as crm_type 
 +FROM hubspot_data 
 +ORDER BY transaction_id; 
 +=== Sample query to get data from Stripe ==== 
 +In destinations create a new cloud database destination and create a table with the destination table name custom_stripe_data. \\ Use the connector URL  
 +<code>[your API key]&date_preset=last_7d&fields=date,email,amount,currency,status</code> 
 +Now in the sample below we look at a SaaS model where we expect a customer to have multiple transactions. We attributed the entire customer lifetime value to the initial Stripe transaction. 
 +Go to SQL Lab on and use this script. 
 +TRUNCATE TABLE crm_conversions; 
 +INSERT INTO crm_conversions (datasource, transaction_id, crm_type,order_date, net_revenue) 
 +    'custom_stripe_data' as datasource, 
 +    encode(sha256(email::bytea), 'hex') as transaction_id, 
 +    concat('Stripe - ',status) as crm_type, 
 +    MIN(date::DATE) as order_date, 
 +    SUM(amount::NUMERIC) as net_revenue 
 +FROM custom_stripe_data 
 +WHERE email <> '' 
 +GROUP BY 1,2,3; 
crm_attribution.1625544754.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/06 05:12 by windsor_ai