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Getting data into other tools
Advanced features
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Datasource specific
It can look like this: https://connectors.windsor.ai/currency_conversion?fields=date,usdclp&api_key=<API_KEY>
Where in the above example: - USDCLP is the currency pair name from yahoo finance https://finance.yahoo.com/currencies?.tsrc=fin-srch - <API_KEY> is your API key from the onboard form
Test the URL in the browser to see its correct and shows you the data in JSON format.
In https://onboard.windsor.ai/ click destination tab and select windsor cloud database.
In connector url field enter the URL from step 1.
==== 3. Setup the new conversions
Go to https://charts.windsor.ai/w/sqllab/
Enter your queries for the currency conversion. In this example we convert the costs from CLP to USD with this query:
SELECT costs.date, SUM(costs.totalcost/currency_usdclp.usdclp::DECIMAL) FROM costs JOIN currency_usdclp ON TO_CHAR(costs.date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') = currency_usdclp.date GROUP BY costs.date
You can then select to visualise the results and save them in your dashboard.