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Getting data into other tools
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Requirements for this tutorial: Working setup of Windsor.ai multitouch attribution enabled.
In this example we're going to set up a custom channel grouping in Windsor.ai. The implementation is done using a PostgreSQL case statement.
To access your Channel Groupings head to the Dataset management section on Windsor.ai charts.
Here you will see a list of data sets.
CASE WHEN source = '(direct)' AND (medium = '(not set)' OR medium = '(none)') THEN 'Direct' WHEN medium = 'organic' THEN 'Organic Search' WHEN medium ~ '^(social|social-network|social-media|sm|social network|social media|paids-social)$' THEN 'Social' WHEN medium = 'email' THEN 'Email' WHEN medium = 'affiliate' THEN 'Affiliates' WHEN medium = 'referral' THEN 'Referral' WHEN medium ~ '^(cpc|ppc|paidsearch)$' THEN 'Paid Search' WHEN medium ~ ' ^(cpv|cpa|cpp|content-text)$' THEN 'Other Advertising' WHEN medium ~ '^(display|cpm|banner)$' THEN 'Display' ELSE '(Other)' END
In this example we're going to customise the standard channel grouping to add branded and generic paid search:
CASE WHEN source = '(direct)' AND (medium = '(not set)' OR medium = '(none)') THEN 'Direct' WHEN medium = 'organic' THEN 'Organic Search' WHEN medium ~ '^(social|social-network|social-media|sm|social network|social media|paids-social)$' THEN 'Social' WHEN medium = 'email' THEN 'Email' WHEN medium = 'affiliate' THEN 'Affiliates' WHEN medium = 'referral' THEN 'Referral' WHEN medium ~ '^(cpc|ppc|paidsearch)$' AND campaign ~ '(brand)' THEN 'Branded - Paid Search' WHEN medium ~ '^(cpc|ppc|paidsearch)$' AND campaign !~ '(brand)' THEN 'Generic - Paid Search' WHEN medium ~ ' ^(cpv|cpa|cpp|content-text)$' THEN 'Other Advertising' WHEN medium ~ '^(display|cpm|banner)$' THEN 'Display' ELSE '(Other)' END